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FemDomination2: it's done! Release date on 1st of september!

Dear fans,

We have been testing your patience but we can finally say: it's done! After testing the game extensively and getting valuable feedback from all our Patreons (which we thank for their input) we managed to finish the game. We know that the wait has been long but we promise you, it will be worth your wait!

FemDomination2 will be released on the 1st of september 2021. It can be purchased through our website or by becoming a Patreon. By supporting us on Patreon for $35,00 you do not only get the game but you will also get access to all our previous work: Femdom themed mini-games, VR animations and many more.

Hit the like button and share the news! FemDomination2 is done!


15 August 2021